Game Audio

If you've never played a Donkey Kong Country game, now's a great time to swing into the fun! Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze for Nintendo Switch launches on May 4th, and it's available for preorder now. This adventure comes packed with vine-swinging, jungle-exploring, ocean-diving, ground-pounding Kong action that you can enjoy solo or with a pal in two-player co-op mode.

Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze - Retro Studios 2018

I worked on site with Retro Studios for the Nintendo Switch remaster of DKCTF.
Sound designed Funky Kong's new player package. Designed audio for new playable character animations. Designed new audio elements for remastered cinematics. Ported over original audio assets to the Switch, and debugged them using Retro’s tools.

Final Fantasy XV, Comrades - Secret Powers, Square Enix 2017

Launch trailer. I provided sound design, SFX, music and dialog mix

Final Fantasy XV - Secret Powers, Square Enix 2016

FFXV Accolades trailer. I provided sound design, SFX, music and dialog mix.

Prey - Gl33k, Arkane Studios 2016-2017

Implementation was done in Wwise with scripting in CryEngine. Sound designed for immersive environments, creatures, and UI. Recorded player character foley. Produced diegetic music and ambient tracks.

<- This video is a brief highlight reel of some of my sound design and implementation work for the 2017 Arkane Studio's title, "Prey"

Recore - Gl33k, Microsoft, Armature Studios 2016

Worked with Gl33k in Austin. Audio implementation using Unity and Wwise. Sound designed enemy creatures, environments, player weapons. Built props and recorded foley.

A highlight reel of my best game audio and sound design projects from 2014 and earlier